
Periodic Gifts/ Periodieke Giften from The Netherlands

You can support the Netherland-America Foundation in an easy and tax-friendly way. A periodic gift will help the Netherland-America Foundation to build an even stronger foundation to support its crucial mission of promoting ties between the United States and the Netherlands. By committing to support the Netherland-America Foundation for at least five years, you can deduct the gifts from your taxable income. This has benefits for the Netherland-America Foundation, but also for you. The Netherland-America Foundation is assured of your support for several years, while you will benefit from the maximum tax advantage.

Simply fill out a Periodic Gift Agreement and authorize the Netherland-America Foundation to collect a fixed amount – either quarterly, bi-annually, or annually.

You can make your payments through easy, recurring payments through your Dutch bank account. At this moment, we are unable to accept credit card payments or automatische afschrijving for Periodieke Giften.

We will send you an annual reminder statement for your agreement.

The Netherland-America Foundation Incorporated
IBAN: BE83 9671 9411 1615

Avenue Louise 54, Room S52 Brussels 1050 Belgium

Here is an example of the math:

Untitled spreadsheet - Sheet1 (2)-1
Untitled spreadsheet - Sheet1 (3)-1

If you want to learn more about how much your gift will save you on your taxes you can use The NAF-ANBI calculator

How to set up your Gift

  • Complete and sign a periodic gift agreement (Overeenkomst periodieke gift in geld)
  • Email the completed form to
  • The agreement is for five years (or more)
  • The gift amount is the same every year
  • You deduct the annual amount when you file your Dutch income tax return (belastingaangifte) each year

Consult with your attorney or tax advisor for the various tax benefits and restrictions that may apply to your specific situation

This periodic gift agreement can only be made for future donations – past donations cannot be included in an agreement. You can stop the periodic gift agreement at any time by contacting us by phone, email, or mail. Please keep in mind that ending the periodic gift agreement early will have consequences for the tax deductions you have already included in your previous annual tax returns. You cannot change the amount of your periodic gift; if you like to increase the amount of your periodic gift, you can start a new agreement at any time.

The Netherland-America Foundation is registered in the Netherlands as ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling).
The NAF’s ANBI fiscal number 823785403